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  • Linda Tinsobin

02.-03.March 2019 Gaga in Vienna

TOTAL BODY AWARENESS - with Gosia Mielech

Gaga allows participants to move freely, explore endless possibilities of the body in space, by multitasking and challenging ones habits. Yoga helps to find correct alignment, focuses on harmonizing breath with movement, brings a stronger mental focus and self- awareness. Gaga as well as yoga improve wellbeing, challenges the body and mind. They complement each other and bring a total body awareness and openness. Gaga research can enrich deep and very precise work we experience while practicing yoga; we can experiment with how much we let go, how we can find pleasure inside the effort etc. In Gaga we work a lot with multitasking and layering textures, which can be very helpful tools to use, while harmonizing breath with movement in yoga. Gaga and Yoga fulfill each other in a coherent manner.

On this Gaga-weekend you will get 4 Gaga Classes, 1 Repertoire Class and 1 Vinyasa Yoga Class!

Open to all Levels! Feel welcome!

Early-Bird-Price: 95,00€ (until the 18.2.2019)

Normal-Price: 120,00€


Saturday: 14:00h -18:15h (including one 15 minutes and one 30 minutes break)°

Sunday: 10:00-14:15 (including one 15 minutes and one 30 minutes break)°


°Änderungen vorbehalten/ changes reserved

Was ist GAGA people.dancers.? * What is GAGA people.dancers.?

Gaga ist eine Bewegungssprache die Ohad Naharin über viele Jahre hinweg entwickelt hat und welche im täglichen Training der Batsheva Dance Company angewand wird. Die Sprache von Gaga entstand aus dem tiefen Glauben an die Heilung, Dynamik und Alles-Verändernde-Macht der Bewegung.

Gaga ist ein neuer Weg Wissen und Selbsterkenntnis durch deinen Körper zu erlangen. Gaga stellt dir ein Gerüst bereit um deinen Körper zu entdecken und zu stärken. Gaga gibt dir mehr Flexibilität, Ausdauer und Geschmeidigkeit und erweitert die Sinne und die Fantasie. Es erhöht sich dadurch das Bewusstsein für körperliche Schwächen, taube Gebiete werden geweckt, physische Fixierungen frei gelegt und es werden Wege für ihre Auflösung angeboten. Die Arbeit mit Gaga verbessert die ins- tinktiven Bewegungen und verbindet bewusste und unbewusste Bewegungen miteinander. Gaga erlaubt eine Erfahrung von Frieden und Vergnügen auf eine ganz einfache Art und Weise, in einem angenehmen Raum, in bequemer Kleidung, begleitet von Musik, jeder für sich selbst und doch gemeinsam mit anderen.

Gaga is a movement language which Ohad Naharin developed over the course of many years and which is applied in daily practice and exercises by the Batsheva Dance Company members. The language of Gaga originated from the belief in the healing, dynamic, everchanging power of movement.

Gaga is a new way of gaining knowledge and self-awareness through your body. Gaga provides a framework for discovering and strengthening your body and adding flexibility, stamina, and agility while lightening the senses and imagination. Gaga raises awareness of physical weaknesses, awakens numb areas, exposes physical fixations, and offers ways for their elimi-nation. The work improves instinctive movement and connects conscious and unconscious movement, and it allows for an experience of freedom and pleasure in a simple way, in a pleasant space, in comfortable clothes, accompanied by music, each person with himself and others.

more about Gaga you find here:

Ohad Naharins‘ short explanation of what we do in a Gaga-Class:

“We become more aware of our form. We connect to the sense of the endlessness of possibilities. We explore multi-dimensional movement; we enjoy the burning sensation in our muscles, we are ready to snap, we are aware of our explosive power and sometimes we use it. We change our movement habits by finding new ones. We go beyond our familiar limits. We can be calm and alert at once.”

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